Part 1- These Beliefs Are Stopping You From Becoming a Financially Successful Spiritual Coach

In this article, I will share how to transcend negative financial beliefs based on my own struggles and my field experience working with hundreds of spiritual counseling coaching clients.

Are These Two Beliefs Stopping You From Becoming a Financially Successful Spiritual Coach or Counselor?


Becoming A Successful Spiritual Coach

My name is Master Coach Hu and I have been a full-time Transformational Life Coach since 1993. I opened a Spiritual Life Coaching Certification School to teach students how to facilitate clinically proven Spiritual Counseling techniques for souls who want to make a full-time living as Spiritual Teachers.

While interacting with hundreds my school’s potential students I heard two negative beliefs over and over again that stopped many caring souls from making a good living doing work they were born to do:

  • Belief #1- If It's Spiritual, It Should Be Free
  • Belief #2- You Cannot Be Wealthy, Famous, and Still Be Spiritual

In PART ONE of this article, I will share with you how to transcend these negative beliefs based on my own struggles, and my field experience working with hundreds of my spiritual counseling coaching clients. These two core beliefs of lack block your ability to manifest money and the clients that you need to be successful Spiritual Coaches, Spiritual Teachers, and Spiritual Counselors.

And in PART TWO I will share why Belief #2- You Cannot Be Wealthy, Famous, and Still Be Spiritual, stops many potential spiritual teachers, healers, and holistic practitioners from doing the work they were born to do as a full-time living.

As a professional who started doing spiritual counseling as an avocation since 1977, I know that we must be able to manifest money in order to fulfill our spiritual purpose for incarnating.  I, like many of you, have intimate knowledge of these fears, having danced with these egoic impostors for many years and many lifetimes.

I will share my personal experiences and my transformational life coaching solutions that I have discovered to help you identify what your unconscious, transparent beliefs are that are blocking you from doing the work you were born to do as a full-time career.

To understand how you unconsciously created these normal, but not highly functional beliefs you will need to examine some of the beliefs of lack that most of us have learned from our churches, caretakers and society as a whole.

A successful colleague of mine shared with me that, “On any given day I receive at least one email from a frustrated, upset spiritual teacher asking for assistance in finding out why this financial deprivation has happened to them. They arrive in my email filled with the energy of pain, fear and sometimes hopelessness.  As I read each one, my heart aches for them.  I can easily empathize with their plight. I too have experienced times when I had reached the end of my rope, out of money, energy spent and full of anger and bitter tears, railing at my guides and God asking, "Why, why has this happened to me?  Haven't I done everything you asked of me?  Haven't I jumped faithfully into every void, spent my savings, given my heart and soul to helping others?  Why have you let me down?"

I intend to reveal the answers to the above listed questions and give you solutions how to begin permanently dis-creating [stop creating] them. Ready?


If you resonate with this information, HLC created a FREE Transformational audio course titled, 6 Lessons EVERY Coach Must Know. In it, you will experience some of HLC's clinically proven psycho-spiritual Coaching exercises that have helped clients achieve permanent, lasting change since 1993 in our Spiritual Coach Certification Course.

How to Transcend Negative Financial Beliefs

Belief #1- If It's Spiritual, It Should Be Free.

This belief has to be, in my opinion, the #1 stumbling block for spiritual teachers, transformational life coaches and spiritual life coaches. To fully understand this belief, we must look at it from both the earthly perspective and also from a higher spiritual perspective.

Those of us who have been raised in organized religions have had this concept programmed into us since childhood.  As a child who was raised Catholic, the priests and nuns told me that you couldn't put a price tag on God's word. Okay, I thought, that made sense to me, but what confused me is why did they pass the offering plate around every Sunday if money wasn’t spiritual?

Years later I finally understood this paradox. I realized the reason they passed the plate had nothing to do with God's word, and instead it had everything to do with the costs to operate the church for the congregation such as paying for utilities; gas, electric and salaries for priests, nuns and lay personnel.

Ask yourself, if a church can ask for financial help and support, why can’t I? Whether you are a spiritual teacher, a transformational life coach [etc.] your service is considered a spiritually based business.  And because it is a business, you must find a way to make it into a viable, financially successful, spiritual business.


  • Why do so many Spiritual Life Coaches as well as souls who do Spiritual Counseling [etc.] struggle with charging for their spiritual work?
  • Why do they feel it is okay for churches to do it, but not them?
  • Why do they think that God or Spirit would expect them to provide a spiritual service without the earthly means to support it?

This is the Root Cause

Next, let's examine the root cause of this negative belief of lack:  "If it is Spiritual, it should be free."

There is Universal Law that you might be familiar with called the Law of Cause and Effect.  In essence, it means that for every cause there must be an equal effect. Meaning, what we reap we must sow, or karmically speaking, what goes around comes around.

There is another Universal Law that states, "Everything is energy, and all energy has value."  So, if every form of energy has value, then it is subject to the Law of Cause and Effect. Therefore, you must receive something in return for the spiritual service that you are delivering.

Should It Be Free?

Now that we have examined this belief [“If it is Spiritual, it should be free.”], is there any reason to keep believing it?  How can we Dis-create the shame and guilt created by this negative belief in order to free yourself from it?  I know you can, and you must, if you want to make a good living doing work you love  to do.

If you don’t know if you are still unconsciously resonating energy associated with these beliefs of lack ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you refuse to accept money for your services?
  • Do you only accept a love offering with no minimum stated?
  • Do you negatively judge those who do accept money for their services?
  • Do you feel awkward or feel embarrassed to charge a fee for your services?

How to Stop It

You need to learn how to Dis-create [stop creating] these well-conditioned negative money beliefs. Begin by deep diving into you past with emotional courage. Take an honest look at your family, church and your societal beliefs about money and spirituality so you can start to Dis-create them to clean them off your subconscious mind. Read more about Dis-creation Exercises on my school’s blog

The Next Step

The next empowering step is to use clinically proven Self-parenting Inner Child Exercises to reinforce to the little child that still emotionally lives within you that you will not abandon him/her while you are learning how to use professional marketing methods to build a financially successful practice.

Then with as much passion as you can muster let your Inner Child know that when people project shame onto you because they still operate their old-world religious beliefs, you will use your adult powers to protect him/her. Then use Self-parenting Boundary Mastery skills to make him/her feel safe and secure in the world while you are learning how to make a good living doing the work you were born to do. Read more about how to Self-parent your Inner Child on my school’s blog

The Egoic Mind cannot let go of old beliefs of lack if you still believe that those beliefs will help your Inner Child feel accepted, loved, or approved of. This is why mastering how to facilitate Dis-creation exercises is an essential skill that needs to be learned for you to live in the world as an empowered, financially successful Spiritual Life Coach.

In PART TWO of this lesson, I will share why Belief #2- You Cannot Be Wealthy, Famous, and Still Be Spiritual stops many potential spiritual teachers, healers, and holistic practitioners from doing the work they were born to do as a full-time living.



If you resonate with this information, HLC created a FREE Transformational audio course titled, 6 Lessons EVERY Coach Must Know. In it, you will experience some of HLC's clinically proven psycho-spiritual Coaching exercises that have helped clients achieve permanent, lasting change since 1993 in our Spiritual Coach Certification Course.

HLC has made it possible for almost everyone to afford a Coaching education because HLC approves 98% of our student financing applications for our Spiritual Life Coaching Certification course. Achieve your Spiritual purpose for living, become a Certified Spiritual Life Coach. Call 1-888-452-0878 9-5, M-F, EST and speak with an experienced Service Ed coach today. Or submit your questions here and expect an answer within 24-48 hours M-F.