Recovery/12 Step Series – Introduction

How To Walk the 12 Steps with The HuMethod™

Article 1- Introduction

By Certified Life Coach Deborah Giddings

Welcome… to HLC’s new series of blogs that will show you how to deepen your 12-step Spiritual Journey by integrating the HuMethod™ Self-empowering coaching exercises.

I will begin by sharing that the HuMethod™ exercises are not the magic bullet to recovery. They are not magical, mystical or mysterious.  These exercises are sound, well field-tested educational exercises that create permanent behavioral change for anyone who uses them as prescribed.  These clinically proven self-help exercises can be used as additional tools to add to your recovery toolbox.

The HuMethod™ exercises don’t replace the 12 Steps, what they are is a bridge that you can take that will introduce you to advanced recovery tools that will enhance and accelerate your recovery journey.

In the weeks to come I, and others familiar with the HuMethod™, will share with you how the HuMethod™ exercises acted as a bridge with the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous to transform our lives.  These exercises take the abstract concept of Recovery Mastery and break it down piece by piece into a step-by-step, easy to understand, specific set of emotional, psychological and spiritual self-nurturing exercises which, when incorporated into the 12-step journey, can bring you to a level of conscious awareness that you never imagined possible.

Additionally, the HuMethod™ Recovery “tools” can enhance recovery coaches and addiction counselors healing methods by training them on clinically proven, field-tested exercises to help their clients create the permanent behavioral changes that they seek.

Each of these Recovery/12 Step Blogs will educate you how you can integrate one or more of the HuMethod™ exercises to deepen your understanding of the 12 Steps so you can create the permanent behavioral changes that you seek. The HuMethod™
exercises include:

• Self-mastery exercises
• Multi-sensory
• Intuitive exercise
• Meditative exercise
• Advanced Life Skill exercise
• Diagnostic exercises
• Self-parenting exercises
• Dis-creation exercises
• Ego-mind Training exercises

The next Recovery/12 Step Blog will focus on Step 1.  I will share with you that when I surrendered and accepted my powerlessness I started to become conscious and years later when I integrated the HuMethod™ I….you know what, I’ll save that for the next blog on how the Spiritual Distinction exercise enhanced my journey into the first step.

Thank you for joining us to learn and share with others how the HuMethod™ exercises has deepened our Step 1 journey, and how you, too, can use these same clinically proven self-help tools to enhance your personal Recovery.

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I’m looking forward to starting this journey with all of you.


Deborah Giddings, CSLC


Deborah Giddings, CSLC and Recovery Trainer
If you seek Recovery Coaching help for yourself or for a family member, if you are an HLC CSLC or CIT, an addiction counselor or a recovery coach, or if you are in Al-Anon, AA, OA, GA, NA, SLA (or any other “A”) and you want to mastermind with Deborah you can contact Deborah directly via her email  Deborah is also available for speaking engagements to share how her recovery journey was transformed by emotionalizing the HuMethod™ exercises.