How To Set an Intention for Manifestation

After Facilitating Tens Of Thousands Of Spiritual Coach Session 92% Of My Clients Had Two Initial Goals: 1) To Manifest Something They Desired To Have Or Experience, and 2) To Dis-Create Something They Wanted To Transcend And Transform

My name is Hu Dalconzo, I am a Master Spiritual Life Coach and founder of Holistic Learning Centers [HLC]. I have been actively coachig since 1977, and I can tell you that after facilitating tens of thousands of Spiritual Coach sessions 92% of my clients had two initial goals:

  1. to manifest something they desired to have or experience, and
  2. to dis-create something they wanted to transcend and transform.

This is why as a professional Spiritual Life Coach I use the Law of Motivation to help my coaching clients to achieve their goals as fast as possible. Think about it, there are only two ways to motivate yourself to do the required work to manifest the pleasures that you desire, and to eliminate the pain, you want to transcend. This is why Certified Spiritual Life Coaches call this Law the Pain and Pleasure Principle of Motivation.

How to Use the Coaching Lesson, Pain & Pleasure Principle

I instruct my Spiritual Coach clients that they need to set their goal-driven INTENTION because it lays the groundwork for spontaneous expression of their desires. Desire, without action, happens when your Intentions are laced with negative attachments or aversions.

In the West, we refer to attachment/aversions as negative programs, blocks, or beliefs. That’s why as a Spiritual Life Coach it is important for me to train my coaching clients on how to DIS-CREATE their fears that are negatively anchored to beliefs such as, "I don’t deserve to manifest what I want."

Your intention is for the FUTURE CREATION of your goals and desires, whereas your attention must remain in the present. Meaning, that your attention must be focused on the actions you must do daily that will manifest your goal-driven intentions.


If you resonate with this information, HLC created a FREE Transformational audio course titled, 6 Lessons EVERY Coach Must Know. In it, you will experience some of HLC's clinically proven psycho-spiritual Coaching exercises that have helped clients achieve permanent, lasting change since 1993 in our Spiritual Coach Certification Course.

The Law of Manifestation is… Be, Do, Have. Many people miss the essence of this Law of Intention, which is that you attract what you are, not what you want. The first step of manifestation is to “Be” that which you want to experience. “Being” allows you to match your vibratory frequencies with what you want to attract. Then you “Do” the mastery work that is required to “Be” that which you seek. Your deeds are your affirmations of action. “Being” and Doing” supply you with what you need to “have” so you can get what you want.

As a Master Spiritual Coach, I teach my coaching clients that to manifest their goals they must use their Powers of Intention and Attention to self-actualize their desires. That’s because their conscious Intentions transforms (changes form) their quantum information and energy into what they put their Attention onto by organizing it using infinite correlation until they manifest their desires.

The Law Of Attraction Comes Next

Attention energizes (gives energy) to the Law of Attraction, which pulls your goals to you because whatever you put your Attention on increases. Also, whatever you remove your Attention from disintegrates and disappears. This is why as a Spirit Coach I facilitate Dis-creation exercises with my coaching clients to release their “unconscious resistance” to what they don’t want.

When you put your conscious Attention on the object you INTEND to manifest, it orchestrates an infinite number of events to materialize your desires.

That’s why as a professional Spiritual Life Coach I always train my coaching clients how to program their subconscious mind to manifest their aspirations and dis-create their fears using HLC’s HuMethod™ Clinically Proven Coaching Exercises to ignite their Powers of Intention and Attention.

Spiritual Coach - Master Coach Hu


If you resonate with this information, HLC created a FREE Transformational audio course titled, 6 Lessons EVERY Coach Must Know. In it, you will experience some of HLC's clinically proven psycho-spiritual Coaching exercises that have helped clients achieve permanent, lasting change since 1993 in our Spiritual Coach Certification Course.

HLC has made it possible for almost everyone to afford a Coaching education because HLC approves 98% of our student financing applications for our Spiritual Life Coaching Certification course. Achieve your Spiritual purpose for living, become a Certified Spiritual Life Coach. Call 1-888-452-0878 9-5, M-F, EST and speak with an experienced Service Ed coach today. Or submit your questions here and expect an answer within 24-48 hours M-F.