Become a Transformational Workshop Leader

A Step-by-Step Manual for Thriving as a Public Speaker & Workshop Leader

Make a Full Time Living as a Public Speaker

Beyond Training: This Manual Includes Full Lesson Plans, Exercises and Group Dynamics on the Top Most Sought-After Topics in the Self-Help Industry

Jumpstart Your Success By:

  1. Learn cutting-edge workshop leader facilitation techniques.
  2. How to facilitate clinically proven self-growth exercises adaptable to diverse audiences, spanning from large seminars to intimate workshops.
  3. How to seamlessly transition between in-person and online settings for maximum impact.
  4. Learn the top five most sought-after topics in the self-help industry, where workshop seats are coveted and attendance is consistently sold out.
  5. Learn how to effortlessly lead impactful workshops with our ready-made lesson plans and interactive group exercises for each of the five most sought-after topics in the self-help industry; saving you time and resources while ensuring an engaging experience for your audience.

Whether you're a natural leader, life coach, motivational trainer, author, teacher, sales trainer, therapist, or holistic practitioner, integrating seminar and workshop leadership skills into your career can be transformative. This manual equips you with both facilitation skills and ready-made lesson plans, saving you valuable time and resources. By mastering cutting-edge facilitation techniques and teaching you how to seamlessly transition between in-person and online settings, you can captivate audiences across diverse platforms. Combine these highly affective facilitation skills with the top five most sought-after topics in the self-help industry and your expertise will skyrocket, drawing greater interest to your workshops and career as a whole. The growth potential is endless.

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Primary Educational Goal of This Training Manual

The primary educational goal of this training manual is to teach you how to use group events like seminars, workshops, or book study groups [scalable to your abilities] to build your business or practice, whether you use them in-person or online.

By using HLC’s Experiential Workshop Methodology, your attendees will experience life-altering Self-growth coaching exercises. This deeply impactful experience will skyrocket your additional income-producing services, otherwise known in the industry as "Back of the Room Sales [B.O.R.]".

Have you read HLC’s FREE eBook about why your B.O.R. sales are the core Income Producing Trade Secret of the live-event industry?

This Training Manual Includes:

  • How to facilitate the 5 most sought-after workshop topics using income-producing trade secrets facilitating HLC’s clinically proven trademarked self-growth exercises.

  • HLC’s step-by-step success system which includes ready-made Lesson Plans, Exercises, and Marketing Materials.

  • LIFE Seminar’s Proprietary Workshop Methodology

  • Public Speaking Mastery

  • Marketing support such as ad copy, enrollment scripts and email content, workshop promo videos, access to HLC's social media community and opt-in list, field-tested and proven key search terms, both organic and pay-per-click and so much more.

  • How to Build or Expand Your Holistic Practice With Seminars, Workshops and Book Study Groups

  • How to Overcome Your Fears of Public Speaking, Sales & Success

  • Seminar Sales and Marketing Mastery

  • Administrative Duties, Jobs, and Checklists

  • Plus so much more!


Are You ready to Jump-Start Your Success by using Workshops, Seminars or,
Book Study Groups using Clinically Proven Self-growth Exercises?

Maybe you don’t have a degree or a self-growth holistic certification yet.
OR- you have a healing modality, but you lack the marketing and public speaking
“How To” knowledge to build your business or expand your practice.

Did You Read HLC’s Free eBook,
16 Trade Secrets
How Self-help Trainers
Earn High 6-Figure Incomes?

If not, click the button below and your FREE eBook will be emailed to you.
If you don't see it, check your spam/junk folder.

Did You Know That The Self-help Seminar Industry is a $10 Billion Dollar Market?

The popularity of TV shows such as the Oprah Winfrey Show, as well as the sale of millions of copies of books such as The Secret is PROOF that millions of people want to expand their advanced life skills, by attending Self-growth Seminars, Workshops, and in Book Study Groups.

Most non-professionals DO NOT realize that only TEN PERCENT [10%] of professional public speaker’s income is derived from registration fees. And that NINETY PERCENT [90%] of their income is derived from their Back-of-Room [BOR] Sales.

The best-kept trade secret in the seminar industry is how the top self-help trainers earn 6-figure incomes conducting their workshops. The core of this Industry SECRET is called Back-of-Room-Sales [B.O.R.]. This means that professional public speakers know that offering additional services, books, courses etc. at their back-of-the-room display is where they earn most of their income.

This manual teaches you how to use your own books, products or services to enhance your B.O.R. sales.  

An Amazing [but not typical] Self-Help Seminar B.O.R. Income Example- is the Peak Potential Seminars Inc. who facilitate Millionaire Mind Workshops. They produce 25+ Millionaire Mind Workshops a year, and their Back of the Room [B.O.R.] Sales range from $1 million to $ 4.5 million per weekend.

Peak Potential Seminar Leaders attribute their extraordinary financial success to the value delivered to their attendees during their workshops. 

“This Sounds Very Exciting,
But I Don’t Have Any Public Speaking Experience?”

Learn How to Overcome Your Own Fear of Public Speaking

No One is Born a Great Public Speaker...

That is why an important aspect of this manual is designed to help you overcome any fear of public speaking. The curriculum includes light-hearted and entertaining role-playing exercises that will quickly improve your workshop facilitation skills and increase your self-confidence. This way, you can have fun facilitating workshops while also educating your audience about your additional holistic services.

The Ready-Made Lesson Plans Included in this Manual will...

drastically cut your business development time because we teach you everything that you need to know about seminar marketing to build a successful practice on a shoestring budget. We start by teaching you how to Scale Your Workshops for small study groups to large workshops of 50 or more guests.

The key to a successful experiential event is group dynamics. With HLC's training, you will only need a few people to create the group dynamics needed to produce a deep and lasting impact on your audience.

It's these experiential exercises that make being a Workshop Leader an exciting and prosperous way to further market your business or practice.

An Example of how you can use workshop marketing to increase your income and promote your services simultaneously.  Eight people register for a Conscious  Relationship  Study  Group,  where you meet once a week, for eight weeks. You can use HLC’s Spiritual Relationship Mastery chapter alone as your study group workbook, or you can modify it by adding your favorite info about Conscious Relationships. Your guests will be impressed not only by what they learn but also by what they intuitively experience by you facilitating HLC’s proven workshop exercises.

“If You Enjoy Teaching and Training, Then Facilitating Workshops Using HLC’s Exercises
Will be a Fun and Prosperous Way to Market Your Business.”
-Sabrina Rose, Executive Director

One essential reason why your guests will be motivated to register for additional services is because they will have emotionally bonded with you as their workshop leader. This creates trust in you, so they will feel safe and comfortable investing in your additional services.

Workshop Marketing can be financially rewarding. For example, if you charge your study group of eight $50 per group session, for an 8-week program, you will earn $3,200 enjoying yourself doing the work you love. This does not include any sales of your additional services.

Therefore, even if only one of the eight attendees purchased an additional service, like a life Coaching session package of 30 at $100 per session, then your workshop will have produced an income of $6,200. Not bad for facilitating one 8-week workshop doing the work you were born to do.

Testimonials of What People Have Experienced After an HLC Workshop

LIFE Pics from several SeminarCropped

These tender moments are of Master Coach Hu and Coach Avalaura and Coach Sandro and Coach Benu along with 2nd seat trainers using visual tools to make their point during different lessons of the seminar and moments from the Saturday night awards and improv show.

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