In this article, I will share the next two exercises in the permanent behavioral change formula. These exercises work in unison as one has the client manifest self-realizations [aha moments] and the other "cleans the slate" of negative beliefs.
The 8 Most Important HuMethod™ Exercises that Create Permanent Behavioral Change, Series 6- #3 of 4
How To Use Audio Binging to Create What You Want and How to Use Dis-Creation to Erase What No Longer Serves You
NAMASTÈ… In this artcile about the eight HuMethod™ Coaching Exercises That Create Permanent Behavioral Change, I will cover why Audio Bingeing and the HuMethod™ “because” Dis-Creation Coaching Exercise will help your coaching clients Create the Permanent Behavioral Changes that they desire.
As a reminder… I started doing psycho-spiritual life coaching in 1977 as an avocation, and I made it my full-time career in 1993, and during those four decades, I facilitated over 20,000 coaching sessions. I used my field experience to write 13 psycho-spiritual life coaching textbooks. Each of my Legacy Videos are abbreviated summaries of the most important elements of the clinically proven coaching exercises that I discovered to be the most effective at creating Permanent Behavioral Change for my private practice clients and certification students.
Let’s begin with the question…
“Why will Audio Bingeing you and your coaching clients “Aha” Self-realizations Create Permanent Behavioral Change?”
Audio Bingeing will help your coaching clients Self-program the Permanent Behavioral Changes that they want to experience for the same reason why companies invest billions of dollars advertising their products using spaced repetition. Ask yourself why do we call a cotton swab a Q-Tip? Because multinational companies invest billions of dollars telling us over and over again via radio, TV, YouTube, etc. to get us to buy their products and services.
So, for the same reasons why multi-billion-dollar corporations use spaced repetition is why we teach our coaching clients how to professionally Audio Binge their Self-realizations. Audio bingeing intentionally Self-programs deep into your client's subconscious minds the beliefs and affirmations that will help them permanently achieve their self-help goals. Audio
It is important to understand that your egoic mind does not like to Audio Binge because it is addicted to excitement.
Therefore I tell all my new clients when I first assign them something to auto binge that, “Suzie, when you first start audio binging your Self-realizations it will be fun and exciting. But after a few hours of bingeing your mind will become bored and start to resist. This egoic resistance is PROOF that you are beginning to program your new transformational beliefs deep into your subconscious mind, which means you are beginning to create the Permanent Behavioral Change that you so deeply desire.”
Now let’s discuss why the Because ‘Dis-Creation’ Exercise is another advanced coaching method that will help you and your coaching clients to create the Permanent Behavioral Changes that you desire. Before I answer that question I want to mention that on Video Legacy Series #4, video 3 focuses on all the benefits you will receive for learning how to dis-create your negatively programmed beliefs.
The HuMethod™ Dis-Creation Exercises took 10 Years of field testing to develop.
Dis-Creation is a compound word that means to “STOP” re-creating your negative beliefs and replacing your negative beliefs with intentionally created positive beliefs.
Dis-Creation is the "missing step" of the conscious creation process. When you add Dis-Creation to your coaching client’s conscious creation process you'll be clearing away their mental roadblocks that are short-circuiting their divine ability to live their lives as deliberate, conscious creators.
Sadly, your clients can say affirmations until their tongue falls out, but they won’t manifest the permanent behavioral change that they desire because their minds are too cluttered with negative, contradictory beliefs.
And here is proof why… Psychologists have proven that you think between 50,000 and 75,000 thoughts a day and that by age thirty, ninety-eight percent of your thoughts are the same fundamental thoughts repeated again and again. Therefore, by age forty you will have created 730 million thoughts, and according to psychologists, approximately eighty percent of these thoughts will be negative. Therefore, by age forty you will have reinforced 584 million negative thoughts.
This means if your coaching clients believe in the power of positive affirmations, and they do 100 affirmations a day (vs. 50-75,000 negative thoughts per day), that would be like trying to bail out a sinking boat with a thimble. This Proves Mathematically Why Doing Affirmations Without Also Doing Dis-Creation Exercises, will stop them from creating the Permanent Behavioral Changes that they hired you to help them manifest!
In the next article, which is the last about the eight HuMethod™ Coaching Exercises that Create Permanent Behavioral Change, I will cover why the Self-Parenting ‘Mirror’ Visualization, and Boundary Mastery coaching exercises, plus why Color Coding written Self-mastery assignments will help your coaching clients Create the Permanent Behavioral Changes that they desire.