This Next Coaching Support Tool Will Help Your Clients Achieve Spiritual Transformation. In Other Words… How To Teach Your Client to Create the Changes Needed to Manifest the Reality They Desire.
Four Ways To Increase Client Session Retention, #3 of 4
How to Use The HuMan Handbook Coaching Textbook To Help Clients Achieve Transformation
Almost a decade after I wrote the Spiritual life Coach’s textbook- Self-mastery a Journey Home to Your Inner SELF, a student shared with me that she loved the Self-mastery textbook, but she felt that we needed something more abbreviated for all of our Life coaching clients. And as soon as she said it, it resonated deep within my Intuitive heart that she was right.
So, I committed to getting to work on writing it with the support of my colleague and soul sister Coach Deborah Giddings [Coach DG]. I utilized my decades of professional field experience to piece together life-altering truisms that contain all the essential lessons of how to live a Self-mastered life. I took abstract and esoteric spiritual concepts and I transformed them into easy-to-understand language.
With Coach DG’s help, we managed to capture the core essence of numerous spiritual leaders, teachers, gurus, and philosophers of the last 2500 years overlapping truths in small, manageable pieces. Our intention was to make it as easy as possible for you and your spiritual life coaching clients to understand and then implement these empowering life lessons to improve the quality of your coaching clients' lives.
The Human Handbook is an empowering education support tool if used as a life coach’s textbook. That is because it will help you teach your life coaching clients how to achieve spiritual transformation by using the Laws of the Universe to create the changes that are needed for your coaching clients to manifest the reality they desire.
In each chapter, The HuMan Handbook describes in detail the concept of each lesson and then how to facilitate it with your coaching clients. The ten chapters cover a wide range of lessons including Power of Now, Presence, Belief Systems, Self-Acceptance and Approval, Law of Detachment, Boundary Mastery, Forgiveness and even what you and your coaching clients need to understand how to achieve Spiritual Transformation.
The HuMan Handbook transcends all religious backgrounds to a place where we are all One.
It doesn't matter where your coaching clients are on their Self-mastery journey because these life-altering truisms are easily understood by everyone. The HuMan Handbook was designed so your coaching clients can use it if they need daily transformational affirmations to start their day, or when they feel stressed or emotionally disconnected.
Many professional spiritual life coaches use The Human Handbook when they are facilitating private coaching sessions. Coach Joan, a Certified Spiritual Life Coaching graduate, told me she selects a particular chapter each week, and then she uses maieutic questions to teach her coaching clients how to heal that specific issue. She has found that the different chapters create a wide variety of insightful self-realizations that deepens her client's inner awareness about issues they want to dis-create, forgive and/or transcend. Plus, it is worth mentioning that many life coaches use my spiritual life coach’s textbooks to form book study groups using HLC’s detailed ‘How to’ Create and Facilitate Study Groups Booklet.
I want to share with you an excerpt from The HuMan Handbook about why- FORGIVENESS is a Self-Protection Mechanism.
Forgiveness does not mean you are condoning what happened, only that you refuse to accept it as a toxic influence in your life. Forgiveness sets the prisoner free, and the prisoner is you.
Forgiveness allows you to detach from the toxicity left by your trespassers. Not forgiving someone is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies.
Healing happens the moment you no longer find value in rehearsing the pain and suffering that you have anchored to your past. That’s because Forgiveness frees up a huge amount of life force energy, which you can use to create an empowering future that you so richly deserve.
And one more Human Handbook excerpt about Why Boundaries are an Essential Element of Emotionally Mature Relationships.
Mature boundaries can be compared to a medieval draw bridge that you leave open to let love and intimacy in, and which you close when someone violates your boundaries. Boundaries are one of the most important elements of healthy relationships. Lack of boundary literacy will challenge even the most committed relationship.
If you don’t know how to maturely protect your boundaries, sadly you will be forced to use your childlike ego defenses to defend yourself.
To close I’d like to quote Coach DG, “It doesn't matter where you are on your Self-mastery journey because the HuMan Handbook’s transformational life lessons are easily understood by everyone. That’s because it simplifies esoteric concepts into an easy-to-read format, so that they can be treasured by the novice as well as the seasoned self-help sage.”
In the following post, I will explain how the HuMethod™ Spiritual Life Coaches use the coach’s textbook Seven Spiritual Truths to teach their coaching clients when they feel emotionally triggered how to use the seven truths like a compass, to navigate their way back to feeling safe, sound, and secure again.