Do any of these common traits describe you? If they do, it might be the reason your business isn't succeeding. Learn if you are falling into any of these common patterns.
In HLC's over 20 years of certifying Coaches, one major hurdle for a lot of students is How To Charge For Sessions. Much of this is taken care of in our program because we skyrocket our student's confidence in their Coaching abilities. Mr. James's good sound advice and unique perspective can make a massive difference to your private practice.
Three MORE Reasons Why You Might Be Charging Too Little for Your Spiritual Life Coaching Services…
- Unconsciously… You Don't See the Value in Coaching Because You Never Hired Your Own Coach.
Now you might think “How could that be, I’m trying to become a Coach”. Think about it, how much could you believe in the impact of what Coaching can do… yet you never sought this for yourself. If you didn’t believe it had enough value for you to hire a Coach why would someone hire you? This is more widespread than you might think. HLC implemented the solution into the certification program. All exercises are not only taught to students, but students experience them first-hand to gain a deeper understanding they can pass along to their future clients. HLC’s teaching model is “See One, Do One, Teach One”. - Your Egoic Mind Has a Disempowering ‘Victim Story’ About Why People Won't or Can’t Afford to Pay You More.
Yes, it’s true that many people have been out of work for a long time. But much more are still working, and of those, a clear majority are making more money than ever. And, let’s not forget the fact that coaching is the 2nd fastest growing profession in the world. - People Frequently Measure How Valuable Something is By How Much It Costs.
The fact of life is that your Spiritual Life Coaching clients will put more effort into their coaching sessions because when they pay more, they will want to make sure they get their money's worth, which many Coaches discover after raising their own fees.