Hire an HLC Certified Spiritual Life Coach

Quickly Achieve Your Self-Help Objectives

Your HLC Certified Spiritual Life Coach was taught how to use the HuMethod™ professional training system that will help you to quickly achieve your self-help goals. Your Coach will study your personal case history to co-create a mastery plan designed specifically for you, to help you achieve your self-help objectives quickly. During the first few sessions, your Coach will facilitate several diagnostic exercises that will determine what your most important self-help objectives are so that he or she can help you maieuticly create the permanent behavioral changes that you desire.

As Your Spiritual Life Coach, I’ve learned who you are and what you aspire to be,
SO you can feel safe with me
Because my SPIRIT is…

Unconditionally Accepting.

I accept your “less than perfect” behavior,
Because my SPIRIT is…

Unconditionally Loving.

When you share with me experiences that you have never shared
with anyone else, my job is to absolve you of your guilt,
Because my SPIRIT is…

Unconditionally Forgiving.

I will not interfere with your life choices,
make choices for you, or brand your choices wrong,
Because my SPIRIT is…

Emotionally Detached and Non-judgemental.

I will continue to educate my Self, so that I keep expanding my
knowledge of “whys” behind behavior,
Because my SPIRIT is...

Wise and Ever-Expanding.

I will do all that I can to help you feel safe in the world,
Because my SPIRIT is…

Your Loving and Protective Self-Parenting Model.

It’s my intention to act as your “emotional intimacy role model”
Because my SPIRIT knows that you need to be loved for who you really are

...A Perfect Child of God.

-Your HLC Spiritual Life Coach


As a certified Spiritual Life Coach, I strongly urge you to commit to your (insert your name)-ology education because your inner well BE-ing is the most important investment of your life. It is more important than earth plain possessions like a car or a family vacation which do not last forever.
What you learn in sessions, will last FOREVER.

-Master Coach Hu

Coaching Sessions Will Teach You:

  • 1
    How to permanently change your behavioral and negative beliefs systems
  • 2
    How to clinically measure and quantify your self-help improvements so you will see for yourself how fast you are improving.
  • 3
    How to train you to tap into your innate multi-sensory abilities
  • 4
    How to emotionalize, which leads to permanent behavioral change
  • 5
    Multi-sensory, feeling exercises that will increase your intuitive capabilities

HLC Certified Spiritual Life Coach Deborah Farrell Giddings, Writes About What She Gained By Hiring An HLC HuMethod™ Spiritual Life Coach

"There was a time in my life when my Duration-Intensity-Frequency based on my emotional trauma was 24x7, and always at a 10 on a 10-point scale. Remember, my mind told me that the world was not a safe place and that I needed to be on guard at all times.

The HuMethod™ exercises like Dis-Creation, Self-parenting (including 100 Day), Forgiveness, Feelings (feel to release), Responsibility Communication and over 45 CSLC coaching sessions with Master Coach Hu has changed my Duration-Intensity and Frequency dramatically. The amount of times I can get emotionally triggered to a 10 is minimal, and when I do get to a 10 (intensity), the duration only lasts 3-5 minutes on average.

Remember, you have already survived the trauma, so use those experiences to make you stronger. Doing the W-O-R-K took me from surviving to thriving. You deserve the best. Many blessings of peace, abundance, and joy to you all as you walk this most amazing Journey Home To Your Inner Self. Namastè."

-Coach Deborah G.

Spiritual Life Coaching Session Options

Hire a Coach- Sample Session

$250Sample Spiritual Life Coaching Session
                         Includes Session Materials

Hire a Coach- 10 Sessions

$2,35010 Spiritual Life Coaching Sessions With an HLC Certified Coach